If the utility does not start automatically, then run Setup.exe on the CD- Rom. Insert the CD-Rom and wait for the PROKON Structural Analysis and Design Setup utility to start. Alternatively open the Control Panel and double-click Date/Time. To adjust the date or time, double-click the clock displayed on the Task Bar.
To copy the program files, follow the steps below: Check the PCs date and time and adjust if necessary. Installing the program files to your hard disk. Installing the programs to your hard disk.
Note: The default data folder, ProkonDataDemo, is the only data folder created during installation. favourite design codes and on-screen layout of each program, are automatically stored in a dedicated folder. User folders: Each users preferences, e.g. Working folders can be created anywhere on your computer, or even on your network. When you start to use the suite, you will be creating new working folders where input and output data will be stored. Directly after installation, the working folder is set to ProkonDataDemo. The default data folder: This is the folder used for data storage. The folder has a child folder where the Dos components of the suite reside. The main program folder: The folder that contains all the executable programs and other files that make up the system. The main components are: The main suite folder: This is the folder enclosing all program folders and is always called Prokon.
Welcome to PROKON Structural Analysis and Design! Run the SETUP.EXE file and the following window will appear.
Tip: To check your hard disk for errors, it is recommended that you use Scandisk, or similar program, on a regular basis. Especially when analysing large structures, a significant amount of error-free disk space may be required.
For this purpose, the Windows temporary folder, typically C:WindowsTemp or C:WinNTTemp, is used.